// autogenerated file - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES // OR FACE YOUR DOOM!! //encoding = RAW tagTutorialTitle=Tutorial Help tagTutorialRollOver=Checking this box will disable tutorial pop-ups. Once disabled they can still be manually displayed from the help button on the HUD. tagTutorialOf=of tagTutorialDisable=Disable Tutorial Tips tagTutorialTip01Title=The Left-click tagTutorialTip01TextA=Use the left mouse button to interact with the world. Click on the ground to move. Click on people to talk. Click on enemies to attack them. tagTutorialTip01TextB=You can also pick up items and open chests and doors by using the left mouse button. tagTutorialTip02Title=Talking to People tagTutorialTip02TextA=Click on people with icons over their heads to interact with them. tagTutorialTip02TextB=Icons: {^n}{^y}!{^w} – Primary Quest NPC{^n}{^g}!{^w} – Secondary Quest NPC {^n}{^g}?{^w} – General Information tagTutorialTip02CaptionA=Quest Characters tagTutorialTip02CaptionB=Secondary Quest NPC tagTutorialTip02CaptionC=General Information tagTutorialTip03Title=Quest Log tagTutorialTip03TextA=The {^y}Quest Log{^w} displays quest objectives and other information. tagTutorialTip03CaptionA=Shortcut key: {^b}{%t0}{^w} tagTutorialTip03TextB=The {^y}Main Quests{^w} guide you through the central story in Titan Quest. {^y}Side Quests{^w} are smaller, optional adventures. tagTutorialTip04Title=Combat Tips tagTutorialTip04TextA=Click and hold the mouse button to continually attack a target.{^n}{^n}Hold down "{^B}{%t0}{^w}" and click on a target to attack without moving your character. This is useful for ranged attacks with the staff or bow. tagTutorialTip04TextB=Mousing over an enemy will display its name, health, energy and level. tagTutorialTip04TextC=Your own health and energy are shown next to your character portrait. When your health reaches zero your character will die. If your energy reaches zero you will no longer be able to use certain skills. tagTutorialTip05Title=Gathering Items tagTutorialTip05TextA=To see the names of items that have dropped on the battlefield, hold down the "{^B}{%t0}{^w}" key. tagTutorialTip05TextB=Left-click on the item or its name to pick it up. The color of the item name indicates the type of item. tagTutorialTip05TextC=Broken tagTutorialTip05TextD=Common tagTutorialTip05TextE=Magical tagTutorialTip05TextF=Rare tagTutorialTip05TextG=Epic tagTutorialTip05TextH=Legendary and Quest Items tagTutorialTip06Title=Enchanted Shrines tagTutorialTip06TextA=Shrines grant temporary bonuses when you click on them. Some may heal, increase your movement speed, or even grant experience. tagTutorialTip06TextB=Most stones benefit you immediately. Some bestow their effect as long as you remain near them. tagTutorialTip07Title=Rebirth Fountains tagTutorialTip07TextA=Rebirth fountains will activate the first time you approach them. tagTutorialTip07TextB=When you load a saved game or when you die, you will appear at the last Rebirth Fountain you activated. You can manually activate a previously activated fountain by clicking on it. tagTutorialTip08Title=Towns, Cities and Camps tagTutorialTip08TextA=You are now in Helos, a small Greek Village. Villages, towns and cities are usually safe places where you can trade with merchants and find plenty of NPCs to speak with. Most large towns and cities also have a teleport portal. tagTutorialTip09Title=Merchant Window tagTutorialTip09TextA=Merchants buy and sell weapons and equipment necessary for adventuring. tagTutorialTip09TextB={^y}Blacksmiths{^w} sell general weapons and armor. {^n}{^n}{^y}Arcanists{^w} sell items geared towards magic users. {^n}{^n} {^y}Traders{^w} sell an assortment of both.{^n} tagTutorialTip09TextC=Left-click on an item to purchase it. To sell an item, move the item from your inventory and drop it on the merchant window. If you sell an item by mistake you may buy it back from the last tab on the window. tagTutorialTip09TextD=Right-clicking on an item will sell it when “Quick Sell” is enabled in the Options Menu. This feature is on by default. tagTutorialTip10Title=Portals tagTutorialTip10TextA=Portals allow you to travel quickly between various locations in the world. Left-click on a Portal to open the {^y}Portal Map{^w}. tagTutorialTip10TextB=At this time you have not activated any other portals. The locations of all the portals you discover in the future will be stored on the Portal Map. tagTutorialTip10TextC=Your {^y}Portal Stone{^w} is now available for use. To activate your portal stone, click on the portal stone button on the HUD. tagTutorialTip10CaptionA=Shortcut key: {^b}{%t0}{^w} tagTutorialTip11Title=Portal Stone tagTutorialTip11TextA=As with other Portals, left-click on this portal to open the {^y}Portal Map{^w}. Select any destination on the map to teleport there. tagTutorialTip11TextB=This portal will remain open to you or any members of your party until you die, or return back through it. tagTutorialTip12Title=Maps tagTutorialTip12TextA=When exploring, use the {^y}Compass Map{^w} and the {^y}Map Window{^w} to locate key features such as quest objectives, merchants and dungeon entrances. {^n}{^n}The Compass Map is located in the upper right corner. Open the Map Window with the map menu button at the bottom of the screen. tagTutorialTip12TextB=Compass Map: tagTutorialTip12TextC=Map Window: tagTutorialTip12CaptionA=Shortcut key: {^b}{%t0}{^w} tagTutorialTip13Title=Powerful Enemies tagTutorialTip13TextA=Monsters related to quests will often be more powerful than average enemies. Most monsters that must be defeated to complete a quest will be specially marked. tagTutorialTip14Title=Potions tagTutorialTip14TextA=Potions restore health and energy. To use a potion, click on its image on the Quickbar or press the corresponding hotkey. tagTutorialTip14TextB=Potions are automatically assigned to the last two Quickbar Slots. You can manually assign potions to other slots by right-clicking on the empty slot and selecting a potion from the list. tagTutorialTip14TextC=To use a potion, either click on its image in the quick bar or press the corresponding hotkey. tagTutorialTip15Title=Level Up tagTutorialTip15TextA=You have gone up a level. Each time your character gains a level they will receive Skill and Attribute points.{^n}{^n}Open the {^y}Skill Window{^w} to assign your Skill points. tagTutorialTip15CaptionA=Shortcut key: {^b}{%t0}{^w} tagTutorialTip15TextB=Open the {^y}Character Window{^w} to add Attribute points. tagTutorialTip15CaptionB=Shortcut key: {^b}{%t0}{^w} tagTutorialTip15TextC=The amount of experience required for your next level is shown on the green bar at the bottom of the HUD and in the Character Window. tagTutorialTip16Title=Character Window tagTutorialTip16TextA=Use the Character Window to manage your items, assign attribute points, and see your character's stats. tagTutorialTip16SubtitleA=Inventory: tagTutorialTip16TextB=To equip an item, move it to an appropriate equipment slot. You may drop an item by moving it outside the character window, or by clicking on the item and pressing the "{^b}{%t0}{^w}" key. tagTutorialTip16SubtitleB=Attribute Points: tagTutorialTip16TextC=Assign attribute points by clicking the “{^y}+{^w}” buttons to the left of each stat. tagTutorialTip16BTitle=Skill Mastery tagTutorialTip16BTextA=Choosing a Skill Mastery is one of the most important decisions a character has to make. Different masteries cater to different styles of game play, so choose your mastery wisely. tagTutorialTip16BTextB=Once you choose a mastery and put skill points into it, you will not be able to undo your Mastery choice. tagTutorialTip16BTextC=You will receive a second mastery when your character reaches level 8. tagTutorialTip17Title=Swap Weapon Sets tagTutorialTip17TextA=You have just swapped weapon sets. You may equip two different weapon sets in the Character Window, and then switch between them at any time. tagTutorialTip17CaptionA=Shortcut key: {^b}{%t0}{^w} tagTutorialTip17TextB=Swapping weapons also swaps the mouse button skill assignments as well. tagTutorialTip18Title=Relics and Charms tagTutorialTip18TextA=Relics and Charms are used to enhance equipment. tagTutorialTip18TextB=To use them, right-click on one in your inventory. tagTutorialTip19Title=Using Relics and Charms tagTutorialTip19SubtitleA=Attaching Relics and Charms tagTutorialTip19TextA=Right-click a Relic or Charm shard to activate it. Then left-click on the item you wish to attach it to. tagTutorialTip19SubtitleB=Combining Relics and Charms tagTutorialTip19TextB=To create more powerful Relics and Charms, combine shards of the same type. Relics grant extra additional bonuses when they are completed.{^n}{^n}Shards of the same type may be attached to items even after the first shard has been applied. tagTutorialTip20Title=Second Skill Mastery tagTutorialTip20TextA=At level eight your character receives a second and final skill mastery. To select your second mastery simply open the Skill Window. Selecting a second Mastery is not required and can be done at any time after reaching level eight. tagTutorialTip21ATitle=Skill Window tagTutorialTip21ATextA=You will receive new skill points each time you gain a level. Add these points to your mastery or individual skills. tagTutorialTip21ASubtitleA=Mastery Level tagTutorialTip21ATextB=Adding points to a skill mastery unlocks new tiers of skills. To increase your mastery level, click on the mastery button in the lower left of the window. tagTutorialTip21ATextC=You MUST place at least one point into the mastery to unlock the first tier of skills. tagTutorialTip21ASubtitleB=Skill Level tagTutorialTip21ATextD=Left-click on a skill in an unlocked tier to add points to it. You must have at least one point in a skill to use it. Add more points to increase the power of the skill. tagTutorialTip21ATextE=Green lines connect skills to skill modifiers. You must have at least one point in a base skill in order to put points into a modifier. tagTutorialTip21BTitle=Assigning Skills tagTutorialTip21BTextA=Active skills (square icons) can be assigned to your mouse buttons and the Quickslot Bar.{^n}{^n}To assign a skill, right-click on any slot in the Quickbar or a mouse button attack slot. Select a skill from the pop-up list. tagTutorialTip21BSubtitleA=Using Skills tagTutorialTip21TextB=Use skills on the Quickbar by left-clicking on them or by pressing the corresponding slot number. tagTutorialTip21BSubtitleB=Selection Menu tagTutorialTip21BTextC=Passive skills (circular icons) do not need to be assigned. Once you put points into them, they will work automatically. tagTutorialTip21TextC=Use skills on the Quickbar by left-clicking on them or by pressing the corresponding slot number. Try assigning a skill to your right mouse button. Right-clicking in the game world will use the skill. tagTutorialTip22Title=Dying tagTutorialTip22TextA=When you run out of health, your character will die. {^n}{^n}Use potions, skills and shrines to help keep your character alive. tagTutorialTip22TextB=Your character will suffer an experience penalty and will respawn at the last Rebirth Fountain that you activated. The experience penalty will increase as your character reaches higher levels. tagTutorialTip23Title=Extra Inventory tagTutorialTip23TextA=You have been rewarded an extra pack. An extra tab has been added to your inventory. The space in your pack works just the same as your normal inventory. tagTutorialTip24Title=Chat tagTutorialTip24TextA=Use the Chat Window to exchange messages with other players. Messages from other players and friends will automatically appear in the Chat Window. tagTutorialTip24TextB=When you select the Chat Window, it will expand. To send a message, choose a recipient from the "{^y}Speak To{^w}" menu. tagTutorialTip24TextC=You may select everyone in the game, party members, or specific players to send chat messages to. Once you have selected who to speak to, type your message in the Chat Window and hit {^b}enter{^w}. This will send your message. tagTutorialTip25Title=Pets tagTutorialTip25TextA=Pets have a mind of their own and will travel and fight with you automatically. However, if you wish to control your pet directly you can hold down "{^b}{%t0}{^w}", select your pet, and then select a target. tagTutorialTip25TextB=Pets can be dismissed by right-clicking on their portrait and selecting "{^Y}Disband Pet{^w}". tagTutorialTip26Title=Multiplayer tagTutorialTip26TextA=Joining a party with other players in your game will allow you to share experience, gold, and quests between party members. tagTutorialTip26CaptionA=Shortcut key: {^b}{%t0}{^w} tagTutorialTip26TextB=You may trade with party members by right-clicking on their character status display. tagTutorialTip26TextC=And chat with any player in the game via the {^y}Chat Window{^w}. tagTutorialTip26CaptionB=Shortcut key: {^b}{%t0}{^w} tagTutorialTip27Title=Trading tagTutorialTip27TextA=Trade items by moving the item on to your trade area. Offer gold by typing a value into the window next to the gold icon. tagTutorialTip27TextB=Both players must accept a trade to cause an exchange of goods. Items placed in the Trade Window are returned to your inventory if the trade is cancelled. tagTutorialTip28Title=Item Names tagTutorialTip28TextA=Remember to use the "{^b}{%t0}{^w}" key to display the names of all items on the ground. You can click on the item's name to pick it up. tagTutorialTip29Title=Assign Your Skills tagTutorialTip29TextA=You have skills that need to be assigned to a Quickslot or mouse button to use. tagTutorialTip29TextB=To assign a skill, right-click a QuickSlot or mouse attack slot and select a skill. Try assigning your most frequently used skills to your right mouse button. tagTutorialTip30Title=Use Attribute and Skill Points tagTutorialTip30TextA=You have unused Attribute or Skill points. Attribute points can increase attributes such as health, strength, and intelligence. Skill points can be used to gain skills, improve skills you already have, and unlock new tiers in a mastery. tagTutorialTip31Title=Acquire Skills tagTutorialTip31TextA=You have been placing all your skill points in your skill mastery instead of acquiring skills. Next time you gain a level try putting some of your skill points into individual skills. tagTutorialTip31TextB=To put points into a skill, click on an unlocked skill icon in the Skill Window. The first skill point allows you to use the skill. Add additional points to make the skill more powerful. tagTutorialTip32Title=Use Potions tagTutorialTip32TextA=Try drinking a health potion next time your health is low. It can save your life. To drink a potion simply click on the health potion icon on the Quickbar. tagTutorialTip32TextB=Potions can be purchased from any merchant, or can be found on monsters or in chests. tagTutorialTip33Title=Visit a Merchant tagTutorialTip33TextA=If your inventory is full you may wish to visit a merchant and sell items that you no longer need. tagTutorialTip33TextB=Merchants can be found in all cities and towns. Look for their symbol on the Compass Map or in the Map Window. tagTutorialTip34Title=Skill Reallocation tagTutorialTip34TextA=Mystics allow you to buy back skill points. Click on a skill icon to remove one point from that skill. The cost increases as you remove more points. tagTutorialTip34TextB=You may never remove points from your Mastery. The last point cannot be removed from a skill if it has any modifiers with points in them.